Habitat Restoration at Revere Wildlife Area

Hosted by: Spokane Inland Empire (WA) - 0800
Sat, Apr 12 at 8:30 AM (PDT)

Revere Wildlife Area, 30 minutes south of Sprague, WA
Revere, WA 99017

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You're Invited!

Our chapter is excited to share an upcoming opportunity to make a positive impact on our local wildlife habitat. Pheasants Forever is partnering with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for a Habitat Restoration Project at the Revere Wildlife Area, located just 30 minutes south of Sprague, WA. We are seeking enthusiastic volunteers to help us plant 1,100 native shrubs and trees in three separate plots each measuring 80’ x 250’. Volunteers of all experience levels are welcome. This initiative is particularly important as it aims to restore wildlife habitat that was lost in the Wagner Fire in 2020. If you are interested in volunteering, would like more information, or are able to assist with funding, please feel free to contact me at mggruenke@aol.com or 509-994-9364 or reach out to our chapter email at ch0800@pfofficers.org.

Revere Habitat Project

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Pheasants Forever Annual Membership

Our event is free to attend, but please consider joining or renewing your annual Pheasants Forever membership.

A PF Associate membership includes an annual subscription (five issues) to the Pheasants Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, PF decal & member card, PF calendar (mailed annually in September), monthly “On The Wing” newsletter, invitations to events, special offers and discounts from our valued partners, and more.


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