2025 Pheasants Forever Banquet Marion County Chapter 594

Hosted by: Marion County (OH) - 0594
Sat, Mar 22 at 5:00 PM (EDT)

23 North (The Barn at All Occasions Catering)
6989 Waldo-Delaware Road
Waldo, OH 43356

Map Display

You're Invited!

This year’s event will once again be held at All Occasions, Waldo, Ohio inside 23 North. The date is SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 2025. Doors open at 5:00PM and dinner will begin at 6:00PM. Questions Contact: Jerry Gray, Banquet Chair change # to 567-525-0992, Dick Brown 740-262-8589 or Email: MarionPFCH0594@gmail.com       

PF Membership & Meal Package
Includes one meal and an annual PF Associate membership.

Qualified Member Price: $45.00
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PF Couple's Membership & Meal Package
Includes two meals and an annual PF Associate membership.

Qualified Member Price: $75.00
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PF Youth Membership & Meal Package
Includes one meal and an annual PF Ringneck youth membership. 

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Habitat Helper Sponsor
Your contribution of $250 will get you a listing in both our banquet program and our sponsorship “Thank You” advertisement. Your donation will have you recognized as a sponsor of one of our major Live Auction or Silent Auction items. You will receive two Dinner tickets and an annual PF membership ($35 value) Please email your Logo to MarionPFCH594@gmail.com . Your membership matters! It supports PF's unique model that allows chapters to retain 100% of the funds that they raise to deliver mission and allows PF to be the greatest habitat organization! Membership includes: a subscription to five issues of the Pheasants Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, PF decal & member card, Pheasants Forever Hunter’s Calendar (mailed annually in the fall), monthly “On The Wing” newsletters, and access to the Annual Pheasant Hunting Forecast!

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Table Reservation
Includes eight Dinner tickets and four annual PF membership ($35 value) at a Reserved Table. Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership. Your membership matters! It supports PF's unique model that allows chapters to retain 100% of the funds that they raise to deliver mission and allows PF to be the greatest habitat organization! Membership includes: a subscription to five issues of the Pheasants Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, PF decal & member card, Pheasants Forever Hunter’s Calendar (mailed annually in the fall), monthly “On The Wing” newsletters, and access to the Annual Pheasant Hunting Forecast!

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Big Rooster Table Sponsor
This is an opportunity for a company or individual to make a true statement that they are friends of wildlife. It is also an excellent opportunity to entertain your friends or reward employees. Most importantly, your contribution of $1100 will provide a great deal of help in Pheasants Forever efforts for developing habitat. With your participation at this level, you will receive A full-page advertisement in our Banquet Program. Sponsorship of one of our major live auction items. Special recognition at the banquet and in our “Thank You” advertisement. A reserved table for 8 for the banquet, 4 Pheasants Forever memberships, Pheasants Forever hats (not the $100 hats) and Gun Raffle Tickets for the Gun Drawing. Please include all names and addresses for membership materials. Please email your Logo and Advertisement to MarionPFCH594@gmail.com Your membership matters!

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Gold table Sponsor
Your contribution of $2500 will provide a great deal of help in Pheasants Forever efforts for developing habitat. With your sponsorship, you will receive: A full-page advertisement in our Banquet Program, Sponsorship of a live auction item. Special recognition at the banquet and in our “Thank You” advertisement.  A reserved table for eight Dinners and four Pheasants Forever memberships.  You will be presented a Table Firearm. Each Guest receives a Coffee Mug created from the original painting ‘Golden Retreat’ by Terry Redlin. Pheasants Forever hats and Gun Raffle Tickets for the Gun Drawing. Please email your Logo and Advertisement to MarionPFCH594@gmail.com   

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