Ridges at Sand Creek 21775 Ridges Drive , MN 55352
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Please join us for our 38th annual banquet in support of conservation and chapter activities in Scott County. It will be held at the Ridges Golf Course in Jordan, MN.
There will be a great meal, lots of auctions, raffles, and games for many items including over 15 great guns. Also, games and fun for our young hunters.
This banquet supports our many activities including opportunities for youth and expanding and enhancing habitat for birds. Come join us and bring your best hunting stories!
Includes (2) meals, (2) annual PF Associate memberships, (2) Caribou Gun Club memberships, choice of $50 Scheel's gift card or PF print of the year (Unframed), Gold advertising package
Includes (4) meals, (4) PF annual PF Associate memberships, (1) PF Print of the year (unframed), (3) Caribou Gun Club Memberships, (4) PF mugs or wine glasses, corporate advertising package