2025 Summer Youth Day 6/14/2025

Hosted by: Marion County (OH) - 0594
Sat, Jun 14 at 8:00 AM (EDT)

Waldo Sportsman's Club
735 Waldo Western rd,
Prospect, OH 43342-9759

Map Display

You're Invited!

The Waldo Sportsman's Club and Pheasants Forever present a great opportunity for Youth under 18 years old to experience a wide variety of summer outdoor activities.   In addition to Archery, we'll have 4H Club Shooting Instructors at the 22 Rifle Range, ODNR Wildlife, Pheasant Forever Pollinator Program, Fort Morrow E.M.S., a Knife Display and Sharpening, and of course a FISHING DERBY!   All activities will run from 8am until 2pm.  Lunch Provided. Door Prizes! Free of charge!  All Adults and Youth Must Be Pre-Registered.  Limit first 100 Youth. For more information contact Craig Lichtenberger, Youth Chairman  740-360-5880, or Dick Brown 740-262-8589  Register On Line 

Parent/Guest Pass

Admission for a parent or guest accompanying a youth or student participant.


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Youth Registration

This registration pass includes a youth admission to the event. This registration pass does not include a membership.


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Adult Volunteer Registration

This registration pass includes admission to the event. This registration pass does not include a membership.


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PF Student Membership

A PF Student membership includes an annual subscription (five issues) to the Pheasants Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, PF decal & member card, monthly “On The Wing” newsletter, invitations to events, special offers and discounts from our valued partners, and more.


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PF Ringneck Youth Membership
A PF Ringneck youth membership includes an annual subscription (four issues) to the Forever Outdoors Journal, PF decal & member card, invitations to events, and more.

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PF Associate Membership

A PF Associate membership includes an annual subscription (five issues) to the Pheasants Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, PF decal & member card, PF calendar (mailed annually in September), monthly “On The Wing” newsletter, invitations to events, special offers and discounts from our valued partners, and more.


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